He went through a lot of trouble to send his son here to create a legal framework for us to be reconciled. The JW's position is that God is allowing this for a time to give people a chance to repent before he destroys the worlds institutions and wicked (everyone that doesn't bow to him). There are many scriptures that support this (OT and NT) any translation.
Non JW's
Many Christians here ignore those texts; and believe that God is not going to remake this world, or that he is somehow going to use certain people to effect change, and this world will not be remade and billions will not be wiped out by God."
Speaking as a Trinitarian Christian, it looks as if the JW position quoted above is much closer to my view than the non JW "Christian" position above.... in fact everything quoted above as the JW position I agree with, and I would say is a Christain view (- though why not just say that everything will be destroyed rather than speak of "the world's institutions"?) As for the "Christian" position: it may be important to note that the Christian view of 'the afterlife for believers' is diffferent from the JW view. The Christian view includes:-
1 The moment a person dies their soul goes immediately to Heaven or Hell. (Luke 23:43 (Note: In NWT the comma is deliberately put in the wrong place: it shouldn't be "I tell you the truth today," but "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise"; Philippians 1:23)
2 At "Armageddon"/the Last Day of Judgement, our souls will receive back a resurrection body. I expect it will be recognizably similar to our current body. (It will be the same person you and me, not some different person, as seems to be taught by WTBTS.) So Heaven will, after the Day of Judgement, be a physical place. In that sense, the Christian Heaven is similar to the current physical world. I hope it can be seen that this physical Heaven can justifiably be called "a new heavens and a new earth". For a Christian, the idea of remaking the earth is not how he thinks of things after the Day of Judgement. There are important differences between the JW's idea of a future earthly life and the Evangelical Heaven: for a start, there will be no marriage, no sex, no child-bearing in the Evangelical Heaven. (Matthew 22:25-32): this is the future of all who have believed on the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. So the JW idea that the earth will be recreated and life will start again like in the garden of Eden without sin is not what I or Evangelicals believe.